Displaying 21 to 40 of 83 files.
Delphi Components
MRU Files Component (5.8 KiB, Last updated on August 16, 2003)Source code of the TMRUFiles component, including the documentation.
Office 97 Button Component (66.7 KiB, Last updated on November 14, 2003)Source code of the TOffice97Button component, including the documentation. Comes with 16-bit and 32-bit compiled versions.
PicShow Components (1.1 MiB, Last updated on July 19, 2010)Source code of the TPicShow and TDBPicShow components, including the documentation and two sample programs.
Print Preview Components (550.0 KiB, Last updated on March 4, 2018)Source code of the print preview components, including the documentation and three sample programs.
Profiler Component (7.9 KiB, Last updated on February 5, 2010)Source code of the TProfiler component, including the documentation.
Real-Time Marquee Component (36.6 KiB, Last updated on September 1, 2015)Source code of the TRealTimeMarquee component, including the documentation and a sample program.
Rotate Image Component (29.1 KiB, Last updated on November 18, 2008)Source code of the TRotateImage component, including the documentation and a sample program.
Simple Graph Component (171.8 KiB, Last updated on January 25, 2014)Source code of the TSimpleGraph component, including the documentation and two sample programs.
Simple Graph Demo (720.3 KiB, Last updated on April 27, 2013)Executable demos of TSimpleGraph component, compiled with Delphi 7. The archive also contains three sample graphs.
Smooth Show Component (9.0 KiB, Last updated on November 18, 2008)Source code of the TSmoothShow component, including the documentation and a sample program.
StatusBar Pro Component (16.9 KiB, Last updated on September 1, 2015)Source code of the TStatusBarPro component, including the documentation and a sample program.
SunTime Component (66.2 KiB, Last updated on July 1, 2012)Source code of the TSunTime component, including the documentation and a sample program. The archive also contains the database of latitudes and longitudes of major world cities.
SysImageList Component (16.6 KiB, Last updated on February 5, 2010)Source code of the TSysImageList component, including the documentation and two sample programs.
Text Animator Component (7.2 KiB, Last updated on April 7, 2006)Source code of the TTextAnimator component, including the documentation.
Text Fader Component (8.0 KiB, Last updated on November 18, 2008)Source code of the TTextFader component, including the documentation.
Tooltip Manager Component (8.1 KiB, Last updated on March 6, 2009)Source code of the TTooltipManager component, including the documentation.
Wave Player Component (5.3 KiB, Last updated on November 18, 2008)Source code of the TWavePlayer component, including the documentation.
Office Assistant Actors
Angel (73.9 KiB, Last updated on February 15, 2003)This office assistant actor is created by Sergey Zakharov.
Angel has 6 animations in 79x71 pixels.
Ann (58.9 KiB, Last updated on August 10, 2003)This office assistant actor is created by Sergey Zakharov.
Ann has 6 animations in 64x64 pixels.
Asterisco (31.4 KiB, Last updated on August 27, 2002)This office assistant actor is created by Javier Fernando Ramirez.
Asterisco has 2 animations in 64x46 pixels.