Using an instance of TMemoryStream
as an intermediate storage is a common approach. But it is not safe to use a memory stream when the content is too large, otherwise the application may run out of memory and crash.
The only safe approach for handling an intermediate storage, is to use a temporary file. Of course, using a temporary file is not as easy as using a memory stream. Because, we need to write code to get a unique file name, create the file and finally delete it when it is no more needed.
Here, I am going to introduce you a stream class named TTemporaryFileStream
. This class takes care of creating and deleting the temporary file and we can use it as easy as a memory stream.
type TTemporaryFileStream = class(THandleStream) public constructor Create; destructor Destroy; override; end; constructor TTemporaryFileStream.Create; var TempPath: array[0..MAX_PATH] of AnsiChar; TempFile: array[0..MAX_PATH] of AnsiChar; TempHandle: THandle; begin GetTempPathA(High(TempPath), TempPath); GetTempFileNameA(TempPath, 'DA', 0, TempFile); TempHandle := CreateFileA(TempFile, GENERIC_READ or GENERIC_WRITE, 0, nil, CREATE_ALWAYS, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_TEMPORARY or FILE_FLAG_RANDOM_ACCESS or FILE_FLAG_DELETE_ON_CLOSE, 0); Assert(TempHandle <> INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE, 'Unable to create temporary file'); inherited Create(TempHandle); end; destructor TTemporaryFileStream.Destroy; begin FileClose(Handle); inherited Destroy; end; |
UPDATE: Added the missing destructor!
Kambiz, can you please provide an example how to use this?
Sure, it is a pleasure!
Suppose we want to get favicon of a website, and display it on an instance of
control.I hope this example could be helpful.
Thanks a lot! I thought it would be much more complicated than simply reading and freeing the stream.
it’s usefull
I need to read data from a large file (2-3GB) in a 32bit app and show the data on screen. So, obviously, I cannot load the entire file in RAM. Will TTemporaryFileStream approach work?
Gode, you do not need a temporary stream for your purpose. A usual file stream does the job for you.